Sustainable Forest Management
We are a leader in sustainable forestry. We are third-party certified to two globally recognized and respected programs: The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) and the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
Our woodlands operations are committed to meeting high environmental standards through the application of science-based principles, collaborative approaches, sustainable forest practices and independent certifications.
Environmental Certifications
We produce quality wood products from well-managed forests. Our woodlands and manufacturing operations have been independently certified to internationally recognized standards. Read our latest Environmental Certification Update.
All woodlands operations have applied an Environmental Management System (EMS) that provides the structure for identifying, addressing and managing environmental issues.

Chain of Custody
With the exception of the recently acquired Sault Ste. Marie Wood I-Joist Mill, each of our lumber manufacturing and remanufacturing operations is certified by internationally recognized chain-of-custody or fiber sourcing standards. CoC certification tracks logs from harvest through the manufacturing process.
Our mills have been independently audited and have been found to meet CoC certification requirements for:
- Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification – Interfor’s PEFC COC Certification.
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) Standard – Interfor’s SFI® COC Certification (BC, US South, Ontario, US North West, Atlantic.)
Adams Lake Environmental Protection Notice
Interfor has submitted an application to discharge effluent into the Adams Lake from 5 outfalls located at Interfor’s Adams Lake sawmill. The discharge is from 5 (five) outfall pipes discharging to the Adams Lake that include effluent from stormwater runoff. All process water within the facility is contained and does not exit the building or mix with stormwater runoff.
Fiber Sourcing Certifications
- SFI BC Interior Woodlands Fiber Sourcing Certificate
- SFI Ontario Fiber Sourcing Certificate
- Interfor US North West SFI Fiber Sourcing Certificate
- Interfor US South Divisions SFI Fiber Sourcing Certificate
- SFI New Brunswick Fiber Sourcing Certificate
We have also put in place a Sustainable Forestry & Log Procurement Policy to avoid sourcing wood or wood fiber that does not meet our sustainable forest management standards.
Forest Management
Our woodlands operations are committed to meeting high environmental standards through the application of science-based principles, collaborative approaches, sustainable forest practices and independent certifications.
Since 2001 our British Columbia Coastal and Interior Woodlands have been certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI®) standard.
- SFI BC Interior Woodlands Forest Management Certificate
- SFI Ontario Forest Management Certificate
- SFI New Brunswick Forest Management Certificate
Miramichi Woodlands Public Maps
Documentation pertaining to FSC® National Forest Stewardship Standard of Canada certification for our Matagami Operations (FSC-C102380) is available upon request (Forest management plan, dispute resolution process, protected area gap analysis, monitoring and evaluation of environmental impacts, high conservation values forest and woodlands health and safety).
ISO Certifications
The International Standards Organization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental organization that brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. ISO14001 specifies requirements for an environmental management system (EMS) to which an organization subscribes to improve its environmental performance. Interfor maintains ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management systems for its forest operations in Northeastern Ontario.
Our Partners
- American Forest Resource Council
- BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
- Forest Innovation Investment Ltd.
- Georgia Forestry Association
- Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Interfor partners and supports a variety of initiatives that can be referred to for more useful information:
SFI marks are registered marks owned by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.
We minimize our environmental impact, reduce emissions and waste, implement controls to minimize or prevent pollution, and strive for continuous improvement of our environmental performance.
We operate in compliance with all applicable environmental laws.
We implement environmental management systems for all operations, including adhering to specified environmental objectives
We identify potential environmental risks and implement measures to eliminate or mitigate those risks.
We manage climate-related risks and opportunities by adapting to present and predicted impacts of climate change.
We regularly review our practices and procedures to monitor and improve on environmental performance, and to report on the environmental status of our operations, including to the Board of Directors.
We provide training for employees and contractors in environmentally responsible work practices.
We manage our forest resources in a sustainable manner that is environmentally sound, socially beneficial, economically viable, and ensures forest renewal.
We manage our log supply chain to avoid procuring illegally produced wood, or wood from areas that are susceptible to unsustainable forestry practices.
We provide opportunities for our shareholders, directors, employees, communities, customers, and other stakeholders to engage with us on environmental issues.
We encourage our partners, vendors, suppliers, haulers and other service providers to uphold the principles in this Policy.
We promote the use of our wood products as a good choice for the environment.
Building value through sound environmental, social, and governance practices
Our commitment to sustainable growth has been the foundation of our success, and to a broader extent, the success of our partners and the communities we serve.
Check out our Sustainability Report and explore how Interfor and our partners are creating a safer, more sustainable, and equitable future for all.